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设计师:何华武    2013-04-09 12:46:35    点击:


优质的空间其实并无确定的准则,因为对现在人而言,优质已不在停留在表象的展示,而是一种态度。主题为“Ice change”意在冰变的意思,在前线地产机构的办公空间里,大胆的造型,鲜活的陈设,围绕着主题明快硬朗的块面感,使其不在束裹于一般意义上的理论构筑,而是在变通之间超越了传统与现代的概念性对峙,使得空间成为有节奏感的办公环境。



开放式办公空间的布局让视线可以自由的游走。这里利用空间的布局来模糊工作与休闲的临界点,让IN 与OFF得到巧妙的切换。工作区的红色几何灯盒与白色灯光的塑造,与几何办公桌形成了呼应,清晰的规划出这个功能区域。


Ice change
In fact, there is no exact standard for space of high quality, because as for people today, quality is no longer stay in superficial display, but an attitude. The theme of“Ice change”means change like ice, in the office of Front-line real estate agencies, bold design and vivid furnishings around the surface sense with bright tough theme makes the space beyond the conceptual confrontation between tradition and modern during flexibility, rather than bundle to the general sense of the theoretical architecture, and makes the space to become the office environment with a sense of rhythm.
An exquisite and fantasy picture displays in front of us when we walk into the office of Front-line real estate agencies. The white table of Front Desk shows the irregular cutting shape, while the background wall lays with dark tone. The contrast of unique texture and color attracts people's attention. Meanwhile, The light strengthens from the walkway to the front desk, and red halo is added above the table indicating clearly the existence of this functional area. As a prelude to an office space, the front desk with ingenious design makes people produce the gradual visual effect, and passes on surprise.
As a highlight of the company building, Recreational Areas has a white co-shaped space, and the lights above are in the shape of round to echo. People relax and read within this region, and the books and materials can be put in the external grid. The corresponding black bar with a geometric style is full of dimension sense.
The layout of open office space allows the sight move freely. Using of space layout blurs the critical point of the work and leisure, and makes IN and OFF switch cleverly. The red geometric light box and the white light of the workspace form the echo with geometric desk, Clearly plan this functional area.
Exposure to this office space, our thoughts will be continuous, because the color, the shape and the mood integrates here, As if you still love your the complete art works. Designers zoom the calm detail advocation into microcosms of high-quality space, and this environment also allow us to make our work get twice the result with half the effort.